Carry out filmmaking and video production safely
After operating as a videographer in London for a lengthy amount of time, safety can soon become a high priority. When you start out and you're learning the ropes you may not be aware of any potential risks. However, after working on video shoots day in, day out you soon realise there are certain procedures. So how can you carry out filmmaking and video production safely?
Tips for safe videography
There are now several things I now do religiously to avoid taking unnecessary risk whilst filming a project. The first point of call is a risk assessment. For certain jobs, the will be mandatory. For example, filming in a laboratory. Most companies running a lab will ask for a risk assessment ot be carried out.Another thing some locations or companies will ask for is your kit to be PAT tested. So what is PAT testing? It's essentially an examination of electrical equipment to ensure it's safe to use. The PAT test usually lasts for a year and then. you have to get a new one carried out.
Specific kit to help you carry out filmmaking and video production safely
Of course there are certain items that will increase your safety on set too. Some of my favourites include sandbags which can be used to weigh down lighting stands. This decreases the chance of a light being knocked over. Another essential is gaffer tape. This is useful to tape down all your cables and avoid trip hazards. The last thing you want o do is trip your client over and cause and accident. Make sure you buy the good stuff that won't take up the floor with it when you take it off. One further safety procedure I take is to ensure I don't leave kit bag around. I always aim to leave kit neatly in one corner and if I have to leave anything unattended I will always put chairs around the area to ensue no one trips over a trip or camera.Safety in video production should be a top priority for any good videographer and taken seriously! Lets keep our sets safe.