Understanding a professional videographers process

The aim for any great videographer is to create a professional video that your client loves.  So where do you start?  One great place is understanding a professional videographers process.  In this article I’ll go through my process as a successful London based filmmaker and videographer.

Understanding a professional videographers process

Where does my process start? In my mind it starts by having a passion for creating amazing videos and films.  No matter what job I’m on, I always try to put in 100%.  There is something that I love about crafting good looking images and full length productions that just makes me focus all my energy into that moment.  So this is where it starts but being well prepared and planning ahead is the next step.

Understanding your clients

Fully understanding a client product or their business is a great place to start.  This positions you to create a film that will have an impact and help you achieve the desired goal.  I love to spend time really getting to grips with my clients businesses and understanding what their products are.  In a way you cant make the best film without knowing this.  One of the things I love most about being a videographer is getting to meet new people and seeing what their passions in life are and this is also a most important part of starting a new video project.

Having a solid plan

Now it’s time to put a solid plan into place.  I like to think about a visual identity for each video I create.  How will this film look?  I love to understand this before we even start any filming.  The story is also a key aspect.  What kind of narrative are you creating and what journey are you taking your audience on?  This is a powerful tool to create something with emotion and that does the job you’ve intended the film to do.  The final steps for me is thinking about locations, camera kit and going through all the details you’ll need on the day to create the film.


By Paul Bates, on Aug 19th, 2023, 0 Comments