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Videography in the arts

A career in videography can span many different sectors.  These could be corporate video, documentary filmmaking, interview videos or fashion films.  However, one field which can be difficult to break into is videography in the arts.

What is videography in the arts?

When you think of videography in the arts sector you may think of working with galleries or museums.  These are of course fantastic organisations to work in within the arts video field.  However, how can you build up to gaining a gallery or museum as a direct client? And  in doing so carve your own career as a videographer in the arts.  There are other sources of art based videography work which may be overlooked.  One is working with local arts groups.Most towns and cities have grass roots arts organisations and these are fantastic places to build contacts and your art network.  It may be that you have to do a small job with a lesser rate than usual.  However networking is such a key component of building a successful videography business that I always find these opportunities worth while.  It may take some time for someone to come back and commission you for a bigger project but sooner or later down the line, I've found they usually do.

Where else can you find video work in the arts?

Another fantastic source of film work in the arts is with your local council.  Many councils may have an Arts and Culture sector.  Video is a key part of highlighting this work they're doing locally.  Arts bring the community together and any money being invested in should be promoted.  It offers well being to local residents, builds a community and makes people feel included so its key this is documented well.  This is where you come in as a videographer.  Again, it's very much about making the connections and building your network so you're the go to person for videography in the arts.