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Video for social media

As most London based videographer's will know, the video content we create is mainly for online use these days.  To be more specific, mainly social media platforms.

Why create video for social media

Let's roll back the clock ten years and a lot of video content was still for use on websites and internally for businesses with much longer form content being preferable.  Jump forward 10 years to 2022 and there is a clear direction in terms of use for video content.  That use is mainly social media and the content is very short in length.  So why do we create so much video content for social media platforms?  In short, it's one of the best ways to connect with your audience.  Lots of use social media to search for something they're looking for.  Not only that, social media is also a great way for a video to go viral as your potential audience can be huge.

How to create content for social

Creating content for social media is simple.  It has to be unique, engaging and on the whole instant.  This appears to be the way people like to consume video in 2022.  In a way the instant aspect represents the underlying issue of people being time poor and in a way inpatient.  I'm not sure what this teaches the next generation.  We all eventually find out that anything that is worth while in life takes hard work and lots of time and that is the formula for creating a great video.  You'll have to put in hard work and a decent amount of time to create an amazing video for social media if you want it to be successful.We have been successfully creating social media based video content for over ten years now.  We recently did a series of films which received over 100k views across various social media platforms in the first week alone.  The client was obviously very happy about this but this result came from careful planning and hard work in creating the video.  We have our own special formula to grab the audiences attention and keep our video fun and engaging.  What kind of techniques do you like to use in your social media facing videos?