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Building your videography business

Maybe you have been working as a videographer in London and the UK but want to broaden your client base. Building your videography business can be a difficult task.  However it is a very important in terms of ensuring you have regular and interesting work where you be creative in your filmmaking.

How to go about building your videography business

Building your videographer business will often take time.  Online presence is key.  This can vary from social media platforms to having a great website.  Both of these mediums can serve two purposes.  The first is to act as a portfolio and the second is as a way of new clients finding you.   There is a whole host of SEO tips online that you can follow.  These vary from key words to content creation and are worthy of a blog post of their own. Presenting your work is similar to presenting yourself.  Having your work stand out in a classy way that will speak to your audience is also key.Good old fashioned face to face is one of the most important tips in building a videography business.  This goes for new and existing clients.  Keeping the clients you already have happy is always a good move.  They may come back with new jobs quicker or even pass your details onto other contacts in the company.  I've also experienced first hand, one person leave a company and join a new one.  They then proceeded to pass my details to their replacement but also get me involved in video production at their new job.One of the most difficult ways of getting new work is cold calling which I feel is a hard sell.  However, local business meet ups are a fantastic way of making new connections that coudl lead to potential new videographer jobs.Building your videographer and filmmaking businesses will take time but it's an enjoyable journey where you can build your skills at the same time.